Thursday, July 10, 2008

It has finally started!

My first day of treatment. The nurse was wonderfully patient and caring. She explained as the process continues, reaffirmed the many tips and advice relating to body reaction, food, rest and relaxation. It wasn't as bad or frightful as I expected. In fact it seemed like a prolonged saline injection.

Met a Uni friend at the clinic. His sister has 3rd stage stomach cancer and already had 3 chemo treatments to shrink the tumor before surgery. Her prognosis was good as her oncologist said that the tumor has shrunk considerably such that she could go for an operation to remove it. Very comforting indeed.

The medication took effect quickly and true to Dr Khoo's expectations I felt tired and had a good nap after I returned home. Feelings of nausea were dealt with by deep breathing exercises. Thinking back cannot help but feel that my 5 years of yoga breathing exercises were preparation for this eventuality.

Had a light meal of fish porridge which was fully retained. Very satisfied with the tentative progress I'm making. Tomorrow is another day and am curious to know what challenges lie ahead for my body.


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